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Posts tagged with North Service Center Archives - Powerlines

Seattle City Light Honors Fallen Heroes at Annual Memorial Day Ceremonies

On May 23, Seattle City Light employees gathered for our annual Memorial Day Flag Raising Ceremony. Dozens of employees met to pay their respects to the servicemembers who died serving in the United States Armed Forces. This annual tradition holds special value for City Light employees, many of whom have… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle City Light Workers Gather for Memorial Day Events

The sun shone brightly across the North Service Center and South Service Center on May 25 as dozens of City workers gathered to raise the American flag and pay their respects to servicemembers who died serving in the United States Armed Forces. The events, which took place at the service… [ Keep reading ]

City Light Employees Raise over $8,000 in Holiday Donations

With our holidays looking a little different this season, one thing has stayed the same at City Light: our employees’ dedication to giving back. The City Light giving workshops have been busy this holiday season, with our employee elves spreading a little extra cheer across the region. Up north at… [ Keep reading ]