Did you know that weatherizing your home can keep you warm in the winter, cool in the summer and reduce your energy bill? Now is a great time to take advantage of theCity of Seattle’s HomeWise Weatherization program!
City of Seattle’s HomeWise improves your home and provides a healthier indoor environment while staying more comfortable year-round, not to mention reducing your energy bills. This program provides weatherization services for limited-income residents of Seattle and electrically heated homes throughout City Light’s service territory.
HomeWise includes a complete energy audit by a HomeWise property rehabilitation specialist that will:
- identify opportunities to improve the efficiency of your home to save you money;
- explore methods to improve the health, safety and comfort of your home;
- evaluate opportunities for improving your home’s heating and cooling systems;
- develop an itemized list of work to be done.
After the audit, a HomeWise professional will facilitate contracting and be there to guide you as work is done on your home.
HomeWise works with private contractors, and their work is inspected by a HomeWise specialist. This service is free for income-qualified customers. If home repairs are needed, no-interest loans are available. Click here to find out if you might qualify for the HomeWise Weatherization Program. To learn more, visit seattle.gov/housing/homeowners/weatherization.