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How Seattle City Light Is Planning for Increasing Energy Demands

Siobhan Doherty is Seattle City Light’s Power Supply Officer. Electrification is transforming our daily lives, and the demand for reliable and sustainable energy is rising. Here at Seattle City Light, we’re helping lead the way during this energy evolution. Our commitment to safely delivering clean, reliable, and affordable energy is… [ Keep reading ]

How Seattle City Light Is Securing a Reliable Future 

Tamara Jenkins is Seattle City Light’s Project Delivery Director. Previously, we talked about the importance of reliable infrastructure. This includes everything from our power generation sites to the distribution lines that bring electricity directly to your homes and businesses. Today, I’m excited to share how Seattle City Light is investing… [ Keep reading ]

Building a Resilient Community: The Importance of Infrastructure Reliability

Andrew Strong is Seattle City Light’s Interim Environmental, Engineering, and Project Delivery Officer. In today’s interconnected world, the reliability of our electrical infrastructure is more important than ever. From adding line sensors to replacing aging wooden utility poles, laying new underground electrical cables, and installing new transformers, ensuring an uninterrupted… [ Keep reading ]

What is a peak load and how does it affect you?

Over the past few weeks of intense heat waves, utilities across the United States have been facing elevated peak loads due to increased demand for power. During periods of extreme weather, utilities experience elevated load demands which result in higher-than-normal peak loads. Extreme heat has been less of an issue… [ Keep reading ]

Celebrating Our Renewable Energy Future

It’s National Renewable Energy Day on Thursday, March 21, 2024, and City Light has many reasons to be thankful and celebrate. U.S. Renewable Energy Make Up It may come as a surprise that only around 20% of the United States electricity is sourced from renewable energy resources. The bulk… [ Keep reading ]

What You Want to Know About Power Outages

The months of October through February have a tendency to bring with them some unpredictable weather. Wind, snow, ice, and rain – sometimes all in the same week, like last Christmas – have been known to make an appearance and cause disruptions in power service. Let’s take a moment to… [ Keep reading ]

Skagit River Hydroelectric Project: Fall 2023 Relicensing Update

Each autumn, many news outlets are keen to cover the annual salmon migration and spawning. This also sparks interest in the region’s numerous hydroelectric dams and what is being done to help protect and preserve fish populations. We have received several inquiries about the relicensing process for the Skagit Hydroelectric… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle City Light Joins EPRI Initiative to Support Widescale National EV Rollout

Earlier this month, the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) announced EVs2Scale2030™, a three-year initiative designed to support the widescale rollout of electric vehicles (EV). As one of the founding electric companies behind the initiative, Seattle City Light is excited to join hundreds of stakeholders in this effort to plan for… [ Keep reading ]

Energized Environmental Vision Set for Skagit Hydropower Project

Seattle is fortunate in that most of our electricity comes from hydropower — the most reliable renewable energy resource now available. But even hydropower impacts the environment, and Seattle City Light works closely with our partners to develop science-based approaches to protecting the watershed and nearby communities. The license we… [ Keep reading ]