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NW Utilities Share Information on Power System’s Future

The “Plan Today. Power Tomorrow.” energy awareness project has launched a new website.  An independent site, loaded with articles and information on the future of the Northwest power system, is now available at

“The Northwest electricity industry is experiencing dramatic changes, and we want to provide a resource that helps policymakers stay informed,” according to Dick Adams, Executive Director of the Pacific Northwest Utilities Conference Committee (PNUCC).  The new website will have regularly updated material about issues that affect the cost and supply of electricity in the Northwest, as well as the reliability of the delivery system, he said.

According to PNUCC’s forecasts, the region’s electricity load is expected to grow in the coming years.  There are key issues for the industry and policymakers to address about the types of resource options available, how much they will cost and how to mesh an existing system with new technologies and 21st century concerns about climate change and the environment. 

The “Plan Today. Power Tomorrow.” provides non-technical articles and fact sheets, along with reports from some of the region’s utilities about how they are keeping customers informed about the transition in the industry. 

The project was created and is being carried out by PNUCC on behalf of its members, including Seattle City Light.  It is one way electric utilities are coming together to educate people in the Northwest about the realities of future energy challenges.