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Join City Light at the 2012 Skagit Eagle Festival

A bald eagle surveys the Skagit River watershed.

Seattle City Light employees will be volunteering  their time to support the 2012 Skagit Eagle Festival each weekend throughout January.

The festival is a month-long celebration during the peak of eagle-watching season in eastern Skagit County.  Activities take place in Concrete, Rockport, Marblemount and beyond.

City Light staff will be on hand at the Concrete Visitors Center to discuss the relationship City Light’s operation of the Skagit River Hydroelectric Project has with salmon and eagles. A map of the land City Light has acquired for wildlife and fish habitat preservation will be on display. Staff also will be able to tell visitors where to look for eagles.

The festival features a variety of free tours, walks, and educational programs where participants learn not only about these majestic birds, but also about the beautiful areas along the Skagit River where they return each year. The Skagit River watershed hosts the largest wintering population of eagles in the lower 48 states. 

Other festival presentations will teach participants about grizzly bears, how to photograph wildlife and scenery, and much more. Participants will have the opportunity to enjoy arts & crafts, wine tasting, river rafting, music, dance and a wide variety of other outdoor and indoor activities.

The Skagit Eagle Festival is a collaboration of dozens of agencies, businesses and non-profit organizations, brought together by the Concrete Chamber of Commerce.

More information is available at the SkagitEagleFestivalVisitorCenterat 45821 Railroad Ave. in Concrete. The Center will be open each Saturday and Sunday to provide assistance, information, rest rooms and more. Information also is available from the Concrete Chamber of Commerce. The office is open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., 360-853-8754.  Festival information is available online at the festival website: or the Bald Eagle Interpretative Center at