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UW Power Outage Down to 245 Buildings

Seattle City Light crews continue working to restore service to 245 buildings on the University of Washington campus that remain without power.

The outage started about 5:30 a.m. and initially affected about 2,000 homes and businesses in Ravenna and Laurelhurst in addition to parts of the university campus.

Repair crews have found failed splices in two underground, main stem feeder lines that provide power to the area. Crews might not be able to resplice the cables, which would require replacement of the cables. That work could take eight to 12 hours, which would put the estimate for restoration of service for sometime between 7 p.m. and 11 p.m.

The general boundaries of the outage are NE campus Parkway on the north, Lake Washington on the south, Eastlake Avenue NE on the west and 15th Avenue NE on the east. Not all buildings within that area are affected.

Updates are available from our online system status map at