Your Seattle City Light works hard to keep the streetlights working through the night, but problems happen. When they do, we want to hear about it so we can get them fixed.
We know that process needs to be convenient and easy.
That’s why we have updated the streetlight trouble reporting form on our mobile website. It’s now easier than ever to report a streetlight problem so we can get it fixed.
On the site, all you need to enter is the pole number, the street address, a description of the problem from a list of options and your contact information so we can let you know that we’ve received your report.
Afterwards, you can check out our online Streetlight Tracker to watch our progress on the repair.
We’re constantly working to improve your customer experience with Seattle City Light. If you like the improvements we’re making, “Like” us on our Facebook page too.
Seattle City Light is the 10th largest public electric utility in the United States. It has some of the lowest cost customer rates of any urban utility, providing reliable, renewable and environmentally responsible power to nearly 1 million Seattlearea residents. City Light has been greenhouse gas neutral since 2005, the first electric utility in the nation to achieve that distinction.