Seattle City Light has just concluded formal public hearings for our surplus property disposition pilot project. We want to thank the people who have taken a proactive role in our utility by attending the meetings and commenting on the disposition of the properties. We also want to remind others of the opportunity to comment through July 31.
City Light owns more than 40 surplus properties around the City. Most of these are former 4 kilovolt substations no longer needed by the utility. During the pilot project, the Seattle City Council has asked us to study six of these properties: five in Northeast Seattle and one on North Beacon Hill. The Council also asked us to obtain public comments and recommend a course of action regarding the properties. A series of public meetings were held including two formal public hearings, the last of which happened inNortheast Seattlelast week.
More than 250 people attended community information meetings or the formal public hearings. Many more have submitted comments by letter or email.

Neilson Eney was one of the dozens of people who attended the Beacon Hill public hearing about the future of surplus City Light property.
Seattle City Light plans to report to Council on the effectiveness of the pilot project’s outreach and make its recommendation on the disposition of the properties by August.
Citizens can still comment online through July 31. Photos and maps of the properties and details on how to comment can be found here: