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Seattle City Light Hosts Blue Ridge/North Beach Meeting on Cable Injection Results

Seattle City Light will be hosting a community meeting on its electric cable injection project for customers in the Blue Ridge/North Beach neighborhood. All affected customers have been notified by mail and are invited to the community meeting tonight, Thursday, Nov. 29, from 7– 8 pm at Blue Ridge Community Club, 10040 15th Avenue NW., Seattle. City Light representatives will be on hand to answer questions from the community about the project and to tell of next steps.

Beginning in December of 2011 and into February of 2012 City Light rejuvenated aging underground electrical cables which were originally installed in the Blue Ridge/North Beach neighborhoods in 1971-72. The process involved first testing the aging cables to determine their status. Cable found suitable was then injected with silicone to force out trapped water and fill cracks in the protective insulation. The process is designed to extend the life of the cable 20-40 years. City Light has used this method successfully in 22 other neighborhoods since 2009.

Approximately 61 percent of the cable was suited to injection. The remaining 39 percent was not suited to injection and will need to be replaced at a later date. Customers are invited to view a map of the results at

Be sure to join us tonight and ask any questions you may have!