Seattle City Light is teaming up with Communities in Schools of Seattle to collect school supplies for the annual Stuff the Bus drive on behalf of low-income families from July 15 until August 16.
Families across the United States pay an average of $60 to $100 per child for school supplies each fall. Many families have more than one child, and the expense quickly rises. At the same time, teachers are paying an average of $400 each year out-of-pocket to provide supplies for the classroom and their students. Stuff the Bus is here to help low-income families cope with these costs.
Communities in Schools of Seattle organizes Stuff the Bus to collect donated school supplies for kids from low-income families. The most needed donation each summer is backpacks. This summer, Seattle City Light is teaming up with Communities in Schools of Seattle with a goal of collecting enough supplies to send 9,000 kids back to school this fall with full backpacks, ready to learn.
City Light has collection boxes set up at the Seattle Municipal Tower on the 32nd Floor, North and South Service Centers’ payment centers and on the second floor of City Hall. Items that are needed to send kids to school include calculators, markers, pencils, binders and any other supply that is on your child’s school supply list. The most needed items each summer are backpacks.
Visit the Communities in Schools website for a complete list of needed school supplies.
Help Communities in Schools of Seattle and Seattle City Light collect donations to send our next generation to school this fall with full backpacks, ready to learn.