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Reminder: Community Forum on Advanced Meters Tomorrow

Photo of advanced meterA reminder that tomorrow night – Wednesday, Aug. 21 – Seattle City Light will host the first of three community forums to discuss the utility’s plans for replacing aging electrical meters in 2015 with advanced meters that provide two-way communication.

As a part of the planning process for that transition, we are asking you, our customers, to share any comments, questions or concerns you might have about advanced meters. We want to hear from you.

This first forum will be held at Northgate Community Center’s Multipurpose Room, 10510 Fifth Ave. NE, from 5 to 7:30 p.m.

Seattle City Light is always looking for innovative ways to improve customer service and increase our efficiency.

Advanced metering is a technology that gives customers an opportunity to take more control over their utility bills.

The meters help keep electric rates low by streamlining many of the utility’s operations. For example, these meters send information directly to City Light, so we won’t have to send out meter readers. That means fewer vehicle trips, reduced emissions and other environmental benefits.

Advanced meters also will help us provide better service by improving our ability to pinpoint areas affected by power outages, which allows us to more quickly restore service to affected customers.

Additional forums are scheduled:


Tuesday, Sept. 10, from 5 to 7:30 p.m.

SeattleCenter – Shaw Room

305 Harrison St.

Seattle, WA  98109

*Shaw Room is located on the corner of 1st Ave N and Republican St. (North of Key Arena)


Thursday, Sept. 26, from 5 to 7:30 p.m.

Seattle Housing Authority NewHolly – Gathering Hall

7054 32nd Ave S

Seattle, WA  98118

If you can’t make it to one of the community forums, we’ve created a page on our website with information about advanced meters and a form where you can submit comments and questions.