Seattle City Light is offering for resale excess capacity that it controls on the Bonneville Power Administration’s transmission system.
City Light does not currently need this portion of the transmission capacity it has the rights to on BPA’s system. Transmission needs can change over time, however. The one-year sale is designed to maximize the value of this transmission resource for the utility and its customer-owners while protecting access to that resource in the future.
The product being offered is BPA firm network point-to-point transmission for 2015. Responses to City Light’s request for proposals are due Friday, Dec. 12 by 4 p.m.
Bidders are subject to credit approval by the utility’s Risk Oversight Division. Bids of longer tenors will be given priority. City Light reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids and to modify this offer.
All bidders must be registered BPA customers and provide their BPA customer number. Participants have to bid flat, meaning they have to be willing to buy on peak and off peak transmission bundled together. We do this to protect the long-term nature of our transmission.
Details of the offering can be found here.