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City Light, Department of Fish and Wildlife Stock Lakes in NE Washington

Photo of Leo Lake

Leo Lake in Pend Oreille County.

Anglers in Pend Oreille and Stevens counties will have more opportunities to catch fish this spring thanks to the combined efforts of the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and Seattle City Light.

Fish and Wildlife staff started stocking about 12,000 pounds of trout and kokanee in area lakes this month. This is the second consecutive year of the program. It costs about $100,000 per year and is paid for by City Light as part of its 42-year operating license for Boundary Dam.

Watch video of the Leo Lake Fish Stocking.

“This enhanced fish stocking program will provide the additional springtime opportunity that northeast Washington anglers have been asking for,” said Fish and Wildlife District Fish Biologist Bill Baker of Colville.

The program continues and expands stocking of rainbow trout, tiger trout, cutthroat trout, and kokanee in 17 lakes. Most fish will be stocked as spring and fall fry and fingerlings, but catchable-size fish (10-12 inches) will also be stocked.

Lakes to be stocked in 2015 are Big Meadow, Carls, Cedar, Crescent, Deception, Deep, Frater, Gillette, Heritage, Lead King, Ledbetter, Leo, Little Lost, Nile, Sherry, Thomas, and Yocum.

This new program also includes a monitoring component. Anglers who see Fish and Wildlife staff on the lake or dockside are encouraged to tell them about catches so the program can be evaluated.