Starting in early September 2016, Seattle City Light will be upgrading the aging electrical cable in parts of Lake Forest Park to help improve the electrical reliability in the area. City Light’s contractor, Novinium, will test and where possible, inject underground cables with silicone to fill cracks in the cable insulation to prevent outages. If cables are not suited for injection, they will be replaced at a later time.
The contractor, Novinium will be working for a total of 13 days in the month of September. Daily work hours are scheduled from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Evening and weekend work is not planned.
One maintenance outage is anticipated for this work. All affected customers will be notified on the Thursday before the following week’s outage. The outage date and time will be specified on the notification.
Traffic and parking impacts are expected in the immediate area during work hours. Flaggers will be used where needed on residential streets and crews will be careful to maintain access to driveways.
For more information, please contact John Likes, Electrical Service Representative at (206) 615-0608 or
Visit the City Light construction website for the latest updates on this project: