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Seattle City Light to Repair Streetlights in First Hill

Starting in mid-to-late May 2017, Seattle City Light will be working to improve pedestrian safety in the First Hill neighborhood by temporarily repairing 18 failed streetlights on Madison Street, spanning from Minor to Terry avenues. Crews will connect overhead cables from Terry Avenue and Madison Street towards Boren and 9th avenues to restore power to the failed streetlights.

Map of the construction work area along Madison Street.

The project will improve safety for roadway and pedestrian travel. Repairs will increase electrical reliability and streetlighting for the First Hill neighborhood.

Crews may be working on both sides of Madison Street to span cable across the street. Customers can expect temporary parking and lane restrictions in the immediate work area during construction hours.

Traffic control flaggers and uniformed police officers will be used to maintain traffic and pedestrian safety through Madison Street and its intersections on Terry, Boren and Minor avenues.

Construction is scheduled to begin on Sunday, May 21, 2017. Daily work hours are from Mondays through Fridays, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., with possible evening and night work. The entire project is expected to last approximately five days.

For more information, please contact:

Seattle City Light
Streetlight Division

(206) 684-7056

Visit Seattle City Light’s construction website for the latest updates on this project: