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Electronic Equipment Upgrades Planned in SODO

Starting in early August 2017, Seattle City Light will be supporting enhanced cellular and data services by upgrading electronic equipment to utility poles throughout the public right-of-way of the SODO neighborhood.

Map of the construction work area in the SODO neighborhood

This project is an expansion of existing communications networks. The equipment modifications will increase public safety and enhanced-911 capabilities. The work will also improve wireless services to areas, allowing for enhanced connectivity and faster 4G service.

During this project, City Light crews will also have the opportunity to upgrade its infrastructure and replace utility poles that are in poor condition.

There are no maintenance power outages planned for this work. Some traffic and parking impacts are expected in the immediate work areas. Crews will be careful to maintain access to driveways.

These projects are tentative to start in early August 2017. Construction is expected to last approximately six weeks.

Daily work hours are from Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

For more information, please contact Gina Del Giorgio, City Light Project Consultant at (425) 603-8205 or

Visit Seattle City Light’s construction website for the latest updates on this project: