A message from Chief Financial Officer Paula Laschober of Seattle City Light.
Starting Oct. 1, 2017, Seattle City Light customers will see lower bills following a rate decrease of approximately 1.6 percent. This decrease was made possible by City Light’s proactive management of its power supply contract with the Bonneville Power Administration.
It is part of the Mission of City Light to deliver affordable electricity services, and this rate decrease is the equivalent to $13 million in annual savings for City Light customers.
In addition to lower bills, the rate decrease will partially offset the scheduled rate increase in January 2018. To meet the needs of Seattle’s rapid development, population growth and its attendant energy demands, and to maintain aging infrastructure to ensure reliable electricity service, City Light implements rate changes approximately every two years. These changes provide the utility sufficient revenue to implement its Strategic Plan, which is developed in partnership with residential and commercial customers and publicly approved with a biennial ordinance by the Seattle City Council.
City Light strives to keep rates low by constantly evaluating our internal business processes to improve operational efficiencies. We also adjust based on external factors that might influence our rates, such as weather impacts or the recent Bonneville Power Administration cost change.
City Light is pleased to offer our customers this rate decrease and will continue to work to fulfill our Mission of delivering affordable, reliable and environmentally responsible electricity services.