Brynne Taylor will celebrate one year at City Light on Feb. 26. As part of the Transmission & Distribution Operations unit, Brynne manages electronic equipment for our field workers. “I work in the radio shop and maintain all the radios and accessories for the big trucks at our North and South Service Center,” Brynne explained. “I also perform manual labor, work on fiber optics and troubleshoot issues – anything that has to do with monitoring equipment and transporting it back to the System Operations Center (SOC).”
Brynne was born and raised in Georgia. She ended up in Washington after serving six years in the U.S. Navy as an electronic technician. “I always tell people that this is where the ship dropped me off,” she said with a laugh. She lives in Bothell where she’s resided more than 20 years.
In this week’s (spot)Light, Brynne talks about her hobbies and what sparked her interest in this field.
“I’ve always been kind of a tomboy and have liked electronics. I was the one who took the radio or TV apart to see what was inside. I wanted to know how things worked. It was interesting to pull things apart and see how these devices talk to each other from miles away. I wouldn’t want to do anything else and I’m not sure anything else would interest me as much. I would miss it. Even when I leave work, I go home and tinker with electronic things around the house. I love it.”
“Most people at the shop know this, but I’m big into scooters. I own five. I get a little bummed when the winter comes, and it rains because I have to ride in a car! It’s just a love of scooters. People tell me that I could buy a motorcycle with what I’ve spent on scooters and that’s just missing the point. It’s not a matter of being on two wheels – it’s the scooter itself. I’ve always been in love with the old British movies and watching people zip around – especially with a guy and a girl off on some great adventure. I always thought it was romantic. I’m not into big motorbikes and things that are tough. It’s just the cuteness of scooters.”
“Growing up in Atlanta, I was a Falcons fan, but I also loved the Seahawks. I think it was the colors and the helmets! I decided that my favorite vacation would be to take a train to Seattle and watch the Seahawks play. Little did I know that I would be living here 20 years later, cheering them on. Maybe it was fate and somehow, I knew that I was going to end up here. This is my home now. I love Seattle.”
“I pinch myself every day. This is a job of a lifetime for me and I’ve never been happier. I love City Light; especially the camaraderie we have in the shop. We all pull together as a team. Some of my favorite moments are when we’re fiber slicing in the back of the truck and we’re joking with one another, having fun on-the-job. As the only woman in the group, they’ve all accepted me and that’s important. To have those guys take me in and embrace me the way they have, has just been incredible.”