The Basics
How long have you been at City Light? This will be my eighth year with City Light.
Division: Customer Experience
Tell us about your role. What does your job entail? As a data analyst, I assist internal business groups with their data needs so they can provide a better overall customer experience. We also shed light on system data discrepancies for accurate analytics and reporting of metrics and key performance indicators.
Hometown: Akune, Japan
Alma Mater: Central Washington University
Discipline/Trade of study: A bachelor’s degree in I.T management and a Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) degree in logistics and air transportation
Tell us about your family: Growing up, my father was active duty in the Air Force, so my younger brother and I moved around the world every two to three years. It was tough, but I’m fortunate to have experienced as many countries and cultures as we did. Apparently, I loved the military life so much that I joined the Air Force 15 years ago and am currently still serving as a senior master sergeant. I enjoy it because with my job, I’m able to create impacts on a global scale. My lovely wife and I met at a local golf course and have been together for almost 13 years, so I guess you can say we know each other pretty well. We love sports, cooking, reality TV (unfortunately) and spending time with our awesome almost three-year-old golden, Chance.
Just for Fun
What has been your favorite project you’ve worked on/have been working on at City Light? I’ve been fortunate to be a part of multiple projects/efforts that had significant impacts to our customers. Working on the Customer Care & Billing system implementation was special because I worked with some awesome people from across the utility and departments.
Favorite quote? “I’m not superstitious, but I am a little ‘stitious.” – Michael Scott
The big game is on – what sport are you watching and who are you rooting for? NBA playoffs, go Spurs! (Even though it’s been tough lately.) Also the Masters. I’m always a Tiger Woods’ fan, but love the new generation of golfers like Sahith Theegala, Justin Thomas, and Max Homa.
What is the one item you can’t live without that needs electricity to operate? Internet – for all my smart-home devices.
What is your late-night, guilty pleasure food? McDonald’s or Wendy’s