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Seattle City (spot)Light: Vicky Nguyen, Organizational Change Management Analyst

The Basics 

How long have you been at City Light? Seven months and counting! 

Division: Organizational Change Management Office 

Tell us about your role. What does your job entail? I’m a term limited organizational change management (OCM) analyst. My primary responsibility at City Light is to assist in managing and implementing changes within the organization. As an OCM analyst, my focus is on managing the people-side of change, which involves facilitating the adaptation of employees and stakeholders to new ways of working and achieving desired outcomes. 

In my daily work, I collaborate closely with various business units to identify their change management needs, assess the impact of change, and develop strategies and plans to manage those impacts effectively. This involves conducting stakeholder analyses to pinpoint key groups and individuals who will be affected by the change. I also develop communication and training plans to ensure that employees have the necessary information and skills to adapt to the change. Ultimately, my role is to help the organization attain its objectives by ensuring that employees can successfully navigate through changes in their work environment. 


Hometown: I am originally from Philadelphia. 

Alma Mater: I graduated from George Washington University with a master’s degree in project management. 

Tell us about your family: My family is spread out around the world. Apart from me living in Washington, my mother and most of my family relatives live in Philadelphia, while my father, older brother, and his family currently reside in Vietnam. 

Just for Fun 

What is one of your biggest accomplishments? Graduating from grad school and landing an amazing job at Seattle City Light! 

What’s one thing that has surprised you about working at City Light? The amazing teamwork and support. It’s so refreshing to work with people who are always willing to lend a hand or share their expertise. 

Who was your favorite music artist growing up? You guessed it – Celine Dion! Her voice is absolutely iconic, and I’ll never forget the impact she had on my childhood. 

If you could have any job for only one day, what would it be and why? Recently, I had an opportunity to help my friend at her wedding. Attending my friend’s wedding not only made my heart happy, but also sparked my curiosity about what would happen if I could be a wedding planner for one day. The idea thrilled me with the possibility of creating something beautiful, unique, and memorable for the couple. I enjoy planning/organizing events, meeting new people, and building lasting relationships. Witnessing the happiness of others is also what motivates me and gives me so much joy. 

What is your late-night, guilty pleasure food? Tacos, tacos, and more tacos! There’s nothing like curling up with a plate of delicious tacos and a good movie after a long day.