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Seattle City Light, Task Force Help Tolt River Salmon

A partnership between the Stilly-Snohomish Fisheries Enhancement Task Force and Seattle City Light is making life a little easier for salmon in the Tolt River near Carnation by removing invasive, non-native plants and replacing them with native species.

City Light Awarded $40,000 for Salmon Habitat Work

Seattle City Light has been awarded a $40,000 grant from the Salmon Recovery Funding Board to support salmon and steelhead habitat restoration along the lower Tolt River near Carnation, Washington.

Seattle City Light Celebrates Outstanding Skagit River Salmon Run

An estimated 1.2 million pink salmon and 25,000 Chinook are crowding into the upper Skagit River below Seattle City Light’s three hydroelectric dams to spawn. It is the best spawning run on the Skagit in at least 35 years.