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Seattle City Light Prepares for Approaching Storms

Seattle City Light is preparing its crews for two storms expected to bring rain and strong winds to the Puget Sound area today and Thursday.

The National Weather Service issued a High Wind Advisory today with a forecast for sustained winds of 25 to 35 mph, gusting up to 50 mph. Another storm is expected to follow late Wednesday or early Thursday.

“Our crews are ready so that if either of these storms causes any outages, we can restore power as quickly as possible,” Superintendent Jorge Carrasco said. “Even so, we want our customers to be prepared in the event of an outage. It’s always a good time to put together an emergency preparedness kit with enough food and supplies to last your family for at least three days.”

Other items to include in an emergency kit are a hand-crank or battery-operated flashlight and radio, fresh batteries, a survival blanket, a first aid kit, pocket tissues and hand sanitizer wipes.

For a checklist, go to
City Light also reminds customers to be safe. Downed lines can be dangerous. Also, City Light urges customers to be prepared for any possible outages. Here’s what customers can do if they experience a power outage:

* Do not go near any downed wire. Wires should always be assumed to be “live” and dangerous. If someone seeks a downed wire, they should call (206) 706-0051;

* Do not use a barbecue grill or generator inside the house or in a garage that is attached to the house. Do not use a grill or generator near a home air intake vent or near windows;
* Do not use fossil fuel burning auxiliary heating sources;
* Know how to manually override electric garage doors, security doors and gates;
* Have a land line phone or fully charged cell phone available – cordless phones won’t work when the power is out;
* Unplug electrical appliances if the power goes out so that when the power comes back on, there won’t be a surge that could damage sensitive electronic equipment;
* Use battery-powered flashlights – not candles or oil lamps;
* Close doors, windows, curtains, and unused fireplace dampers to retain heat if there is an outage.

Seattle City Light is the ninth largest public electric utility in the United States.  It has the lowest cost customer rates of any urban utility, providing reliable, renewable and environmentally responsible power to nearly 1 million Seattle area residents.  City Light has been greenhouse gas neutral since 2005, the first electric utility in the nation to achieve that distinction.