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Blair Project Reprise Wins Monsters Video Contest

\”The Blair Light Project\”

Julia Rader Detering is the winner of Seattle City Light’s Monsters in the Basement Video Contest for “The Blair Light Project.”

Detering’s video and the others in the contest highlight the inefficiency of old refrigerators, which use three to four times as much electricity as new Energy Star models. That difference can add up to as much as $140 a year for a household. The videos also explain how City Light and JACO Environmental have teamed up to help customers get rid of those old fridges and freezers by recycling them. JACO will pick them up for free and City Light provides a $30 rebate.

“Congratulations to Julia for her creative use of video to help others learn about the hidden costs of the energy monsters lurking in our basements and garages and how to get rid of them,” Superintendent Jorge Carrasco said.

You can watch her video and the other entries at

For her win, Detering receives a $500 gift card and an iPod shuffle.

M.L. Miles won second place for “Max in the City.” Miles will receive a Power Cost Monitor with WiFi bundle from BlueLine Innovations and an iPod Shuffle.

Third prize, an iPod Shuffle and an energy conservation goodies bag, was won by Susan Bennett for “Save Energy.”

“If you’ve got an energy monster haunting your house, visit us online or call 1-877-577-0510,” said Bob Nicholas, business development manager for JACO. “We’ll pick it up, take it to our warehouse and recycle the materials so they can come back as something much less spooky.”

The web address for scheduling a pickup is

Seattle City Light is the 10th largest public electric utility in the United States. It has some of the lowest cost customer rates of any urban utility, providing reliable, renewable and environmentally responsible power to nearly 1 million Seattle area residents. City Light has been greenhouse gas neutral since 2005, the first electric utility in the nation to achieve that distinction.

JACO Environmental has grown to become one of the largest recyclers of household appliances in the United States. Currently, JACO is providing appliance recycling services to local and regional utilities in 26 states across the country and recycles over 400,000 units each year.