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Seattle City Light General Manager and CEO Receives National Public Power Award


Photo of General Manager and CEO Jorge Carrasco receiving award.

City Light General Manager and CEO Jorge Carrasco receives the Richardson Statesmanship Award from APPA Board of Directors Chair Phyllis Currie and past Chair William Carroll in Nashville.

Seattle City Light General Manager and CEO Jorge Carrasco received the American Public Power Association’s (APPA) Alan H. Richardson Statesmanship Award at the Association’s national conference in Nashville, Tenn., today.  The award recognizes public power leaders who work successfully and tirelessly on APPA’s behalf forging consensus on national issues that achieve public power’s goals.

“For almost a decade, Jorge has been an active participant in APPA — most recently making key contributions to APPA’s CEO Task Force on Generation Policy and Climate Change,” APPA President and CEO Mark Crisson said. “As an active member of that group and in his role as Chair of the Large Public Power Council, he has shown exemplary leadership and has played a key role in helping public power find consensus on many key policy issues.”

Carrasco is active in a wide variety of industry and related organizations, including the Electric Power Research Institute, the Alliance to Save Energy, the Alliance Commission on National Energy Efficiency Policy, the American Water Works Association and the Nature Conservancy.

Carrasco is a past chair of the Large Public Power Council. In that capacity, he worked to assure a collaborative, harmonious relationship between APPA and LPPC.  He is a former city manager of Austin, Texas, and Scottsdale, Ariz.

“I am honored to be selected by APPA for this award,” Carrasco said. “No one person can achieve consensus on important issues. It takes many people who are willing to identify common ground and work toward shared goals. I am fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with many bright, energetic people who are committed to the values of public power.”