A little piece of history turned up at Seattle City Light recently.
A local woman mailed City Light a copy of its May-June 1944 customer bulletin last week. The bulletin – Official Bulletin 52, to be exact – was hidden among family mementos in the home of her aunt who recently passed away. While going through her things she stumbled upon the bulletin, entitled “A Chapter from the Book of Light: Your City-Owned City Light.”
At the time the bulletin was originally published, the nation was caught in the grips of World War II, which ended a year later in May 1945. City Light was then managed by Superintendent Eugene R. Hoffman, who held his position from 1939 to 1953.
The bulletin includes references to the wartime conservation effort, City Light’s electric prices during that era, and the positive impact that low-cost electricity would have on post-war industry and business. There was even a recipe for Muffin Rings with Creamed Eggs for an “All-American dinner” using ingredients that limited the use of foods rationed during the war. (A fascinating source of information about food rationing during the war is available at The National World War II Museum’s website.)
Take a peek at the entire bulletin, linked below.