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Posts categorized under Kendehl Corley, Author at Powerlines

Hydro excavators help save time and money

New hydro excavator technology has improved the ability of City Light crews to clear soil and debris in preparation for construction – resulting in increased efficiency, lower costs and fewer errors.

Expecting Osprey Parents Return

Success! The osprey pair enjoy their new deluxe accommodations, provided by Seattle City Light. Photo courtesy of Sound Transit’s Keith Sherry. In February, Seattle City Light and Sound Transit teamed up to build an osprey tower with a nesting platform, in partnership with Osprey Solutions, LLC. The platform is… [ Keep reading ]

City Light Finalizes RSJI Work Plan for 2014

City Light has finalized its Race and Social Justice Initiative (RSJI) work plan for 2014. As part of its RSJI plan for the year, Seattle City Light will focus on the equity areas of education, equitable development, housing, jobs/economic justice, the environment, and service equity. The work plan is part… [ Keep reading ]

City Light: Community Conversation with Univisión Seattle

Univisión Seattle hosts Teresa Gonzalez (left) and Jaime Méndez (middle) sat down with Jorge Carrasco (right), CEO and General Manager of Seattle City Light for a discussion of the Strategic Plan Update. City Light CEO and General Manager Jorge Carrasco met with Teresa Gonzalez and Jaime Méndez of Univisión Seattle… [ Keep reading ]

Unexpected Mountain Snows Are Great News for City Light Customers

Seattle City Light customers can expect to keep more green in their pockets thanks to February’s record-setting snowfall in the mountains and this month’s additional storms.  The increased snowfall means a greater snowpack for use in generating electricity at our hydroelectric dams. According to the most recent financial forecast, the… [ Keep reading ]

Blast From the Past: 1944 Seattle City Light Customer Bulletin

A little piece of history turned up at Seattle City Light recently. A local woman mailed City Light a copy of its May-June 1944 customer bulletin last week. The bulletin – Official Bulletin 52, to be exact – was hidden among family mementos in the home of her aunt who… [ Keep reading ]