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Safety First: Seattle City Light Adds Signs to Burke-Gilman Detour

Everything starts with safety at Seattle City Light. That goes for our employees and our customers, which is why we’ve added more signage to help cyclists and drivers stay safe along a detour of the Burke-Gilman Trail.

Seattle City Light has been working since April to upgrade the electrical system feeding the University of Washington. The trail has been intermittently detoured. The most recent detour, west of campus, uses signs and delineated bike lanes along NE 40th Street and NE Pacific Street to separate cars and cyclists.

We’re paying attention to trail users’ and drivers’ experience with the detour and listening to their feedback.  

To help cyclists navigate the detour, we produced this video detailing the route.

Cyclist Virginia Wall responded with: “I hate the closures but LOVE your video!  It really helps explain what to expect. Thank you.”

Other comments noted concerns about turning traffic at the busy intersection of 6th Avenue NE and NE 40th Street. Our crews addeed signs to help increase awareness for both drivers and cyclists of each other’s presence.


Photo of sign on 6th Avenue NE.

Sign added on 6th Avenue NE.

Photo of signs at NE 40th Street.

Signs added at NE 40th Street.

Photo of sign at NE Pacific Street.

Sign added at NE Pacific Street.

City Light is projecting its work affecting the trail will be completed by mid-February with restoration to follow. With input from customers, we’re making continuous improvements to meet our top priority. Stay safe!