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Ross barge landing back in service

The barge landing at Diablo Lake – the only way to bring in heavy gear to the Ross powerhouse – has been restored to service four months ahead of schedule.

dockWorkers are wrapping up the final details on the restoration project, including completion of the flexifloat movable ramp, adding barge landing hand rails and bumpers, completing minor road grading, and installing the National Park Service dock at the east ferry landing. Recent repair work includes installation of pre-cast panels and work on the east ferry landing.

The landing and its access road were destroyed in 2010 by a massive rockslide. In the five years since, workers and engineers have focused on stabilizing the cliff, removing materials and building a new access road.

As part of the work, City Light hired a specialist to blast more than 4,000 cubic yards of unstable rock, and to set anchors to stabilize the other layers. During cleanup and construction City Light also constructed a temporary barge landing to provide access to Skagit Project and National Parks Service sites around the lake.