Seattle City Light has been getting reports that scammers are at it again. One scam tactic involves contacting customers by phone and pretending to be employees of City Light. If you receive a recorded message or a live call from someone demanding payment right away, hang up and call us directly. City Light will always direct customers to the secure online payment system at or to call (206) 684-3000 to make a payment.
When a customer is past due on a bill, City Light takes multiple steps to notify the customer before shutting off power. City Light employees will never ask for payment in person and will always be able to produce identification if informing a customer in person of a past-due bill.
Scammers may demand thousands of dollars and threaten to shut off power if payment isn’t made immediately. Vulnerable residents may be specially targeted by scammers including non-English speaking individuals, elderly people and small-business owners.
City Light produced a video with the Seattle Police Department, reminding customers to protect their personal financial information to avoid becoming a victim of scammers posing as City Light employees. Watch it here.
Learn more about how to avoid becoming a victim at: