The Basics
How long have you been at City Light? 28 years
Division: Transmission & Distribution
Tell us about your role. What does your job entail? My work as a civil crew chief involves supervising and leading a crew in the installation and maintenance of underground distribution systems. This also includes coordinating the construction and installation of large transformer vaults, manholes and duct banks, all of which provide greater reliability and service of our electrical power to customers. My work allows me to work side by side with our electrical crews in restoring lost power to the customer, which when restored always brings a great feeling, not just to the customer but to the workers as well.
Hometown: Seattle, Wash.
Alma Mater: Seattle Urban Bible College
Discipline/Trade of study: Master of Theology and Religious Education
Tell us about your family: My wife and I are pre-high school sweethearts and have been together for 42 years. We have three sons and six grandchildren, three boys and three girls, all of which I adore and enjoy spending time with.
Just for Fun
Which City Light Value do you align most with and why? In my career at Seattle City Light, I have had the privilege of working with several different teams, all of which hold the value that City Light employees strive to put the “Customers First.”
What is one of your biggest accomplishments? One of my biggest accomplishments is receiving my Master of Theology and Religious Education.
Who was your favorite music artist growing up? Wow… my favorite music artist growing up was Dr. Dre.
What would we most likely find you doing on the weekend? If not working on the weekends, you would most likely find me hanging out with my wife, ministering at church, or working on my ‘67 drop top Chevy Impala.