The Basics
Years of service: I have worked at Seattle City Light since January 1998.
Division: Customer Engineering
Role: I started my journey with City Light as a meter reader and am now in the Customer Engineering division as a senior electrical service representative (ESR). My role as an ESR is to help the customer understand City Light’s standards and the requirements for electric service. I guide customers and answer any questions they have about their service. If necessary, I prepare their project to be sent to engineering for design. I also assist the customer with any questions or concerns regarding their bill, solar installation, or streetlight questions.
I enjoy my job, which is challenging every day.
Hometown: I was born in southern France in Bearn, which is situated in the Basque country region between France and Spain. I went to school in Nantes, located in Brittany, which is recognized as a sister city to Seattle.
Tell us about your family: I came to the United States in 1995. I was 29 years old and started a new life here. I have four children from two separate marriages, and three of my children live in the Seattle area. My oldest daughter lives in London and had her wedding there last July – just a walking distance from the Greenwich prime meridian!
I currently live in Duvall where we have horses, dogs, and cats.
Just for Fun
What is your favorite local activity? I enjoy riding my motorcycle to work and, of course, on the weekend.
What is something most people don’t know about you? I fought a battle with cancer in 2013. I was diagnosed with stage 4 non-Hodgkin lymphoma and have been cancer free since July of 2013. It’s better than winning the lottery!
Where is your favorite place that you have traveled? We love traveling and have traveled to many European countries, but Hawaii was the best place we have ever visited. We plan to move there for our retirement.