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Seattle City (spot)Light: Nina Park, Organizational Change/Business Process Analyst

The Basics

How long have you been at City Light? About nine months, and almost five years total at the City of Seattle!

Division: Organizational Change Management Office

Tell us about your role. What does your job entail? As an organizational change/business process analyst, I ensure the organization is ready for change and its impacts. I support business processes as well as the “people side” of change, focusing on meaningful engagements and assessing what individuals, teams, and/or the organization may need to successfully transition through changes at work. This may include communications plans, assessing training needs, documenting workflows, and developing a maintenance and transfer of knowledge.


Hometown: Mountlake Terrace, Wash.

Alma Mater: University of Washington (UW)

Discipline/Trade of study: Bachelor’s degree in political science and an executive Master of Public Administration degree from Daniel J. Evans School of Public Policy & Governance at the UW.

Tell us about your family: My parents immigrated from South Korea in the ‘80s. I have an older brother and was excited to become an aunty in June. My partner and I have two really great dogs, an Alaskan husky and a 115-pound Malamute, who take up a lot of our time and attention!

Just for Fun

What do you like most about your role? I love the opportunity to get to know teams and their roles on a deep level. With each conversation, I learn something new about Seattle City Light’s systems and teams. When it comes to exploring solutions to a problem, I have been at the City long enough to understand the importance of identifying stakeholders and giving impacted teams/people the opportunity to share their perspectives. I also love seeing a problem or challenge from different angles and supporting projects by “connecting the dots.” I often find a duplication of effort when teams are working in siloes, so connecting resources and teams to collaborate is highly satisfying.

When you were younger, what was your dream job? Restaurant/food critic. This is still a dream job of mine.

What is your idea of a perfect day? Warm and sunny weather, lots of espresso, my dogs tired out and sleeping, big bowls of different types of pastas for lunch, all while lounging near a pool with a Baja shelf.

Where is your favorite place that you have traveled? Istanbul, Türkiye! I went in 2013 and it was supposed to be a three-day trip, but I extended it to 10 days. It still was not enough time, and I can’t wait to go back.

What is the one item you can’t live without that needs electricity to operate? My cell phone charger!