The Basics
How long have you been at City Light? I began at City Light in December 2022.
Division: Communications
Tell us about your role: I am the communications lead on several cross-matrixed projects across the utility including initiatives such as the Time of Use rate, Service to Bill, and the South Fork Tolt relicensing.
Hometown: I was born and raised in Ballard.
Alma mater: Seattle Pacific University
Discipline/Trade of study: I double majored in history and political science with an emphasis in international affairs.
Tell us about your family/pets: I live in Green Lake with my fiancée, Carly.
Just for Fun
What was your first job and what did you do? My first job was painting dorms and offices on a college campus in the summers during high school. I worked with a couple of my best friends and to this day we talk about how much we loved that job. Who wouldn’t love spending every day with your favorite people listening to music and talking about life?
What is your favorite fall activity? Walking Green Lake with Carly.
If you could learn to do anything, what would it be and why? I would learn to play piano. I play several instruments but gave up piano in first grade. I still wish my parents had encouraged me to stick it out, but I just couldn’t get myself to sit still and practice enough.
Finish this sentence: “It’s never too late to…” Learn to play piano… Is this a sign?
What is your late-night, guilty-pleasure food? I have to go with a Dick’s deluxe and strawberry shake. There’s nothing like a Dick’s run to cap off a late night.