The Basics
How long have you been at City Light? About 7 1/2 years.
Division: Environmental Management & Compliance
Tell us about your role. I manage the dangerous waste, spills, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) programs for the utility. In the waste programs, I ensure industrial waste is properly identified, handled, and disposed of according to regulatory requirements. This includes hazardous wastes, like lead paint removal, and regulated wastes like used oil or spent batteries. For the spill program, I work with a team of six spill responders, ensuring the team promptly responds to oil and chemical spills within our service area – including leaks from transformers mounted on power poles and spills at substations and service centers – as well as its hydroelectric projects.
Hometown: Los Angeles/Seattle
Alma mater: Duke University
Discipline/Trade of study: Environmental management
Tell us about your family/pets: I live in Seattle with my husband, Ben, and my son, Rowan.
Just for Fun
What do you like most about your role? I get to work across various locations and collaborate with different crews at the utility! I really appreciate getting to know all the stuff folks do at the utility and seeing all the interesting work that goes on! It was especially fun seeing all of the old buildings at Skagit Hydroelectric Project, going inside the drained penstock at Boundary Dam, walking around at Cedar Falls, and looking in all the forgotten corners at City Light’s many older Seattle facilities. Shout out to all the great dangerous-waste coordinators I get to work with – thank you!
What is your favorite movie genre and/or all-time favorite movie? We’ve been getting into the Studio Ghibli movies with my son, but he’s not ready for my favorites, “Spirited Away” and “Princess Mononoke.” Too scary!
What’s the most exciting thing you’ve done recently? Is it terrible to say getting our front steps replaced and getting a new dishwasher? Maybe these are the delights of a homeowner, but the new dishwasher filter is really easy to clean.
What’s a place you’ve always wanted to visit, but haven’t had the chance to yet? My parents make it their mission to go to all the places I want to see, but can’t find the time to get to. They’ve made it to Istanbul, a safari in Kenya, and I think they’re planning on going to the coast of Chile. I get to live off their travel stories.
What’s your favorite way to spend a rainy day? My son loves to look for mushrooms, so we bundle up and go mushroom hunting. He’s a pretty good spotter too.