The Basics
How long have you been at City Light? Seven years. I started as an intern at the Lighting Design Lab in June 2017 and joined the Streetlighting team in July 2018.
Division: Streetlight Engineering
Tell us about your role: I primarily focus on streetlight design. Construction projects are constantly reshaping the right of way and my team reviews the impacts to the streetlights. I also design and coordinate the repair of existing streetlights that have either failed or been damaged.
Hometown: Spokane, Wash.
Alma mater: Seattle University
Discipline/Trade of study: Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering
Tell us about your family/pets: My wife, Lilly, is a registered nurse for Optum. We have two boys, Oliver, 5, and Logan 2, and two dogs, an 11-year-old golden retriever named Wilbur and a 7-year-old black Lab/Rottweiler mix named Bailey.
Just for fun
What’s the most exciting thing you’ve done recently? I recently got back from a seven-day cruise to Mexico with the entire family. It was amazing and exhausting!
What’s a place you’ve always wanted to visit, but haven’t had the chance to yet? Santorini, Greece
Least favorite food? Most seafood is at the bottom of my list.
If you were stranded on a deserted island, what band or music would you want on replay? “Lonely” by Akon
What is your hidden talent or hobby? I try to do a couple of mud runs every year. I don’t like running, but the obstacle courses are a lot of fun, so it’s a necessary evil.