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How Is Seattle City Light preparing for Future Electrification?

As Seattle City Light customers start to use electric vehicles and electric building technologies, City Light is upgrading our power grid to support growing electricity use and make our services more resilient, reliable, and affordable. Improving the power grid protects communities by minimizing disruptions and outages from severe weather, climate… [ Keep reading ]

City of Seattle Celebrates Earth Day with Completion of Miller Community Center Microgrid Project

What better timing to celebrate the completion of the Miller Community Center Microgrid than Earth Day! Despite early showers, the sun arrived just in time for honored guests, Governor Jay Inslee and Mayor Bruce Harrell, to tour the project and deliver remarks. Our own Emeka Anyanwu hosted the tour with… [ Keep reading ]

City Light & King County Announce Opening of New Electric Bus Charging Base

On Wednesday, March 30, Seattle City Light joined King County Metro and the City of Tukwila to celebrate the opening of the Metro Transit South Base charging facility for Metro’s new fleet of all-electric buses. The facility supports efforts to provide accessible electrified public transit for south King County communities… [ Keep reading ]

Electric Vehicles: Your Questions Answered

In our 2021 customer satisfaction survey, six in ten customers told us they don’t currently own or lease an electric vehicle but are interested in getting one. To help you make informed decisions about electric vehicles (EVs), we have compiled a list of common questions and facts about this clean,… [ Keep reading ]

Planning for an Electrified Future

Emeka Anyanwu is Seattle City Light’s Energy Innovation and Resources Officer The City of Seattle has made significant commitments to address the climate crisis through decarbonization, and the key means of achieving those goals is electrification—the transition from other forms of energy to electricity for various end uses. Recent pivotal… [ Keep reading ]

Electrifying Seattle’s Transportation Infrastructure

Last week the City of Seattle released its plan toward a clean and equitable transportation system in the comprehensive Transportation Electrification Blueprint. The Blueprint outlines how the City will reduce climate emissions and air pollution, increase electric mobility options, and create a pipeline of green jobs and workforce diversity. City… [ Keep reading ]