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Posts tagged with grid readiness Archives - Powerlines

Maritime Electrification in Seattle: A Path to a Sustainable Future

Seattle’s waterfront is undergoing a major transformation to become one of the greenest and most energy-efficient ports in North America. At the heart of this endeavor is maritime electrification. Here’s what that means: Join us as we take a look at this exciting journey towards a greener port and sustainable… [ Keep reading ]

Moving Toward a Greener Port With Shore Power

Summer is cruise ship season, which means more ships are spending time in port preparing for their next departure, running their engines to provide the energy they need to operate onboard services — and emitting greenhouse gases. However, a series of projects are underway to make the Port of Seattle… [ Keep reading ]

How Is Seattle City Light preparing for Future Electrification?

As Seattle City Light customers start to use electric vehicles and electric building technologies, City Light is upgrading our power grid to support growing electricity use and make our services more resilient, reliable, and affordable. Improving the power grid protects communities by minimizing disruptions and outages from severe weather, climate… [ Keep reading ]

Move the Line: How City Light Relocated a Transmission Line with International Implications

Last fall, Seattle City Light and its partners took on the monumental task of relocating nearly half a mile of 115kV transmission line along Seattle’s waterfront. While relocating a transmission line is nothing new to City Light, the potential impacts of this line were more challenging than others. This specific line is a vital part… [ Keep reading ]

Planning for an Electrified Future

Emeka Anyanwu is Seattle City Light’s Energy Innovation and Resources Officer The City of Seattle has made significant commitments to address the climate crisis through decarbonization, and the key means of achieving those goals is electrification—the transition from other forms of energy to electricity for various end uses. Recent pivotal… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle City Light Explores Renewable Hydrogen Fuel at the Port of Seattle with Department of Energy Awards

SEATTLE—Two studies exploring the potential of shifting from fossil fuel to clean hydrogen as fuel to power medium-and heavy-duty vehicles are getting underway, led by a team from Seattle City Light, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), and Sandia National Laboratories. These efforts are supported by two awards from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) totaling $2.12 million to help meet emission reduction goals set by Seattle City Light and the Port of Seattle. The study team also includes partners at The Northwest… [ Keep reading ]