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Posts tagged with Eastlake Archives - Powerlines

UPDATE: City Light Restored Power to Eastlake, Capitol Hill

Seattle City Light restores power to Eastlake-Capitol Hill neighborhoods

Power Outage in Eastlake Neighborhood Quickly Restored

Power was quickly restored quickly to 3,600 customers in the Eastlake neighborhood along the I-5 corridor after a momentary fault cuased a circuit breaker to trip.

Power Restored in Eastlake and Montlake

Seattle City Light crews have restored power to 3,363 customers in the Montlake and Eastlake neighborhoods. The brief outage was caused by a branch touching wires during a clearing operation. For current outage information, see our map at Seattle City Light is the 10th largest public electric utility in… [ Keep reading ]

Power Restored to All Customers in U-District, Surrounding Neighborhoods

Seattle City Light crews restored power by about 5 p.m. to all 13,400 homes and businesses affected by a power outage in the U-District, Eastlake, Fremont, Wallingford, Ravenna and GreenLake.

Large power outage U-District and vicinity

A power outage that began at 3:06 pm has affected more than 13,000 City Light customers.