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Posts tagged with Integrated Resource Plan Archives - Powerlines

How Seattle City Light Is Planning for Increasing Energy Demands

Siobhan Doherty is Seattle City Light’s Power Supply Officer. Electrification is transforming our daily lives, and the demand for reliable and sustainable energy is rising. Here at Seattle City Light, we’re helping lead the way during this energy evolution. Our commitment to safely delivering clean, reliable, and affordable energy is… [ Keep reading ]

City Light’s Integrated Resource Plan Adapts to Changing Environment

The 2016 Seattle City Light Integrated Resource Plan examines an array of power options to help position the utility towards the future. The plan focuses on being the least cost and most environmentally friendly, and achieves the utility’s goal of being a leader in environmental stewardship.

City Light to Host Online Open House for Integrated Resource Plan

Seattle City Light is developing a 2016 Integrated Resource Plan that serves as a long-term plan for how the utility will meet customer power requirements over the next 20 years.

Public Invited to Comment on Power Resource Future

As it plans to provide for the community’s future energy needs and meet state renewable energy requirements, Your Seattle City Light wants to hear your ideas on what the mix of power sources should be.

Public Meetings on Our Future Energy Sources

Seattle City Light invites you to provide your insights to our energy future. Come attend an evening public meeting on either April 1st, 6th, or 15th.