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Fisherman’s Ferry on Diablo Lake Resumes Service

Seattle City Light resumed service of the fisherman’s ferry on Diablo Lake this morning, June 22, following the installation of a replacement dock at the east end of the lake.

Small boats had been used to shuttle visitors to Ross Lake since June 10.

The original landing dock was destroyed by a rock slide in March. Contractors continue to remove loose rock from the hillside to stabilize the area. Watch video of the work here.

City Light crews and contractors built new footings for the replacement dock. A concrete dock from the west end of the lake was then towed across and put in place. City Light is now starting the process to hire a contractor to build a wooden replacement dock at the west end of the lake. Departures of the fisherman’s ferry will use the Skagit Tours dock until the new wooden dock is built later this year.

Seattle City Light operates three hydroelectric dams on the Skagit River — Ross, Diablo and Gorge — which produce about 17 percent of the electricity for our customers.