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Power Line Moves at 5th Ave. NE and Northgate Way to Impact Traffic

In preparation for intersection improvements at 5th Avenue NE andNorthgate Way by the Seattle Department of Transportation, Seattle City Light crews will move several utility poles, install two new 90-foot poles and transfer overhead wires and underground connections to the new and relocated poles.

This work will start Saturday, May 5, and could last through much of the following week, including two road closures on 5th Avenue NE, lane restrictions on 5th Avenue NE throughout the project.

Crews will close 5th Avenue NE to all traffic north of Northgate Way for about 300 feet Saturday May 5 from 6 a.m. until noon. On Sunday, May 6, 5th Avenue NE will be closed south of Northgate Way for about 300 feet from 6 a.m. to noon. This area is directly in front of the 24 Hour Fitness. The road closure includes sidewalk access on the east side of the street. 8th Avenue NE would be one alternative route for drivers who would normally use 5th Avenue. Lane restrictions in the curb lane will exist throughout the project.

You can follow updates on this project online with the “Seattle City Light at Work in Your Neighborhood” page.

Information about SDOT’s work on the project is available at and .