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Applying for the Utility Discount Program Easier than Ever

Seattle City Light, Seattle Public Utilities, and Human Services Department have been working in collaboration with the Mayor’s Office to identify and eliminate enrollment barriers for the Utility Discount Program. 

As of this week, one of those barriers is now gone. Rather than the previous requirement of three months income verification, there is now just one month verification needed for most applications. 

“This is a huge step in streamlining the process and opening opportunities for potential participants in the program” explains Utility Discount Program supervisor Chaney Kilpatrick-Goodwill . “In the past, we’ve requested pay stubs for the previous three months, and often times that paperwork is not available. Now, with the adjustment to just one month verification, we hope that the program will be more accessible to those in the most need.”

According to Kilpatrick-Goodwill, the process will be the same, only with less stress for the applicants and also for those processing the applications.