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FERC Welcomes Public Input on Relicensing the South Fork Tolt Hydroelectric Project 

On May 31, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued their scoping document for relicensing the South Fork Tolt Hydroelectric Project. FERC uses this document to identify topics to address in their National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) analysis. The document also contains the plan and schedule for the rest of… [ Keep reading ]

It’s Official! Relicensing the South Fork Tolt Hydroelectric Project Is Underway   

The City of Seattle filed documents on April 8 with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to formally begin relicensing the South Fork Tolt Hydroelectric Project. These documents are called the Notice of Intent (NOI) and Pre-Application Document (PAD). Seattle City Light and Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) are collaborating on… [ Keep reading ]

Relicensing Work Begins on South Fork Tolt Hydroelectric Project  

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) license for the City’s South Fork Tolt Hydroelectric Project is up for renewal, and Seattle City Light is partnering with Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) in this multi-year relicensing project. The hydroelectric facility was built in 1995 to generate power from the South Fork Tolt… [ Keep reading ]

City of Seattle to Host Community Open House in South Lake Union

South Lake Union residents, employees and businesses are invited to a community open house and informational meeting from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 25 at the South Lake Union Discovery Center, 101 Westlake Avenue North. This event is hosted by the South Lake Union Community Council and the City of Seattle.

Seattle’s new utility customer information and billing system launched

Seattle City Light and Seattle Public Utilities completed the launch of Seattle’s new utility customer information and billing system Monday. The new customer information system will process 5.5 million City Light and SPU bills and collect about $1.8 billion in revenue annually. Over its projected lifetime, the system will handle some $21 billion in customer bills and payments, while serving more than 400,000 commercial, residential and industrial customers. It replaces a 15-year-old suite of database management software, which has lasted five years beyond its expected life and is no longer supported by its vendor.

City of Seattle brings Utility Discount to 10,000 more households

Today Seattle Mayor Ed Murray and Seattle Housing Authority (SHA) Director Andrew Lofton announced proposed changes to the Utility Discount Program (UDP) to auto-enroll more than 10,000 low-income Seattle Housing Authority households. Today’s announcement puts the City on track to surpass the Mayor’s goal to double program enrollment two years ahead of schedule.

Applying for the Utility Discount Program Easier than Ever

Applicants for the Utility Discount Program now need only one month of income documentation to qualify.

Early Snowpack Near Normal for Seattle City Light Hydroelectric Dams

While snowpack levels in the watershed that collects Seattle’s drinking water is below normal at the start of 2015, snowpack levels in the watersheds that feed Seattle City Light’s hydroelectric dams are near normal. Even so, it’s early in the season and a lot can change before the end of winter.

Seattle’s Trash to Generate Even More Clean Electricity for City Light

Seattle’s trash will soon generate even more clean energy for Seattle City Light customers.

Utility Discount Program Can Cut Winter Heating Costs by 60 Percent

Before cold winter weather returns to the Seattle area and starts driving up heating costs, Seattle City Light is working to help income-eligible customers cut their utility bills by 60 percent.