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City Light Completes Electrical Reliability Improvements On Minor Avenue

Seattle City Light crews recently completed civil construction work on a segment of Minor Avenue, located in the Capitol and First Hill neighborhoods. The infrastructure upgrades will allow for increased electrical reliability in the area.

During construction, crews installed new conduit underneath the sidewalk on Minor Avenue.

During construction, crews installed new conduit and an electrical vault underneath the sidewalk on Minor Avenue.

Civil construction crews installed new conduit (also known as a duct bank) and an electrical vault at Minor Avenue between East Union Street and East Pike Street. Construction started in mid-June 2016 and was completed in late September 2016.

Left: Typical view of the construction work area. Right: A view of the sidewalk on Minor Avenue after construction was completed.

Left: Typical view of the construction work area on Minor Avenue.
Right: A view of the sidewalk after construction was completed in late September 2016.

Sidewalks, driveways and planting strips that were impacted by the project were restored. A Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) arborist was also at hand during construction to ensure the protection of trees that were impacted by the project. At a later date, SDOT pavement crews will complete the final sidewalk restorations on Minor Avenue. Seattle City Light appreciates the patience of its customers during the construction for this project.

For more information about this project and others in your neighborhood, please visit Seattle City Light’s construction website. Search for utility construction projects in your area by neighborhood, address and ZIP code.