South Lake Union residents, employees and businesses are invited to a community open house and informational meeting from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 25 at the South Lake Union Discovery Center, 101 Westlake Avenue North. This event is hosted by the South Lake Union Community Council and the City of Seattle.
From 6:00 – 7:30 p.m., various city departments will share information about their projects and programs that will affect the South Lake Union neighborhood.
- SDOT will present information on changes they’re making to signal timing along Mercer; connecting the new Westlake Protected Bike Lane to the neighborhood and downtown along 9th Ave N to 7th Ave and Bell Street; upgrading bus service to the University District; extending the SLU Streetcar line to downtown; managing on-street
parking and loading; and replacing the last timber-supported bridge in Seattle, the Fairview Ave N Bridge - The Office of Planning and Community Development will explain its Open Space Plan
- Seattle City Light will explain its Advanced Metering program and the construction impacts of the Denny Substation Project
- Seattle Public Utilities will have information about recycling and food waste collection for apartment residents
- The Office of Housing will explain various affordable housing programs, including Mandatory Housing Affordability
- There will be information about the city’s Democracy Voucher program
From 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., Seattle City Light will also host a community information meeting about the possible sale of City Light’s property at 800 Aloha Street.
The utility is considering selling or transferring the property for full market value. There will be representatives from various City departments there to answer questions about the proposal.
For more information on the 800 Aloha Street property, please visit www.seattle.gov/light/surplus.