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Electrical Improvements Planned in Yesler Terrace

Starting this June, Seattle City Light crews will be working to improve electrical reliability in the Yesler Terrace neighborhood by installing new utility poles, overhead wire and equipment. This work is needed to replace aging electrical infrastructure and upgrade the existing electrical system.

Construction work areas pictured above

Though the sequence is subject to change, crews will begin construction in several phases:

  • Phase 1: 11th Avenue East between East Terrace and Spruce streets
  • Phase 2: Alder Street between Terry Avenue and Broadway
  • Phase 3: East Alder Street between Boren and 11th avenues
  • Phase 4: East Alder Street between 11th and 12th avenues
  • To be determined: Boren Avenue and Broadway street crossing

Customers can expect temporary parking and lane restrictions in the immediate work area during construction work hours.

Maintenance power outages are required to do the work safely. Customers will be notified in advance of any outage.

Construction is scheduled to begin on June 11 and last approximately two months. Daily work hours are from Mondays through Fridays, 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. Crews may need to work on weekends as well.

For more information, customers can contact Percy Schlimm, Senior Electrical Service Representative at (206) 386-1735 or

Visit Seattle City Light’s “At Work in Your Neighborhood” website for the latest updates on this project: