As we support our customers negatively impacted by COVID-19, Seattle City Light wants to ensure everyone knows about all available resources. In addition to payment assistance, City Light is:
- Not shutting off power* for non-payment and working with customers to ensure uninterrupted service.
- Waiving late fees and making every effort to provide assistance, including proactively calling those with large balances.
- Planning no increase to retail rates in 2021, absent any changes during the 2021 budget process.
*We are receiving reports of scammers calling pretending to be City Light and threatening to disconnect power if a payment isn’t made. City Light isn’t disconnecting customers right now and would never call and demand payment. If you receive a call like this, hang up and call our customer service center to verify your account status: (206) 684-3000.
Available Assistance
Below we list potential assistance available. But please be assured that we are here to help, and you don’t have to navigate the course on your own – we will help assess your situation and determine a mutually agreeable path forward. Any customer needing assistance should simply call (206) 684-3000 or send an email 24/7 at
Utility Discount Program (UDP)
Income-eligible customers can apply to the Utility Discount Program and receive a 60% discount on Seattle City Light electricity bills and a 50% discount on Seattle Public Utilities water/sewage/garbage bills. Check for eligibility and apply here or call (206) 684-3000.
Payment Plans
Customers who arrange payment plans can postpone the due dates of electricity and water/sewage/garbage bills and avoid late fees. Submit Payment Plan requests online to Seattle City Light or Seattle Public Utilities or call (206) 684-3000.
The Federal Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) provides assistance to customers whose main source of heat is electricity, gas or heating oil. We can help assess eligibility or you can call our partners, depending on where you live:
- Residents of Seattle call (206) 486-6828 or schedule online at Byrd Barr Place.
- Residents of South King County call (253) 517-2263 or schedule online at Multi-Service Center.
- Residents of North & East King County call (425) 658-2592 or schedule online at Hopelink.
Emergency Low Income Assistance (ELIA)
The Emergency Low Income Assistance (ELIA) program is typically for customers who have received a 10-day notice on balances of $250 or more. However, due to the COVID-19 emergency order suspending disconnections, City Light has suspended that requirement and is offering ELIA assistance, up to $200, to eligible participants.
Project Share
Project Share, funded by donations, is available to customers who have participated in LIHEAP and ELIA. Initially, it will pay up to $250 toward a customer’s City Light bill. If the customer makes a payment within two weeks of referral or interview, Project Share will contribute a matching pledge of $1 for every $1 the customer pays, with $500 being the maximum amount available.
Energy Efficiency
Learn energy saving tips to save money on your bill. Learn about Home Energy Solutions here.
Business Customers
Access business resources, payment options, and an optional free energy assessment for your business. Learn more here. You can always get in touch with our business customer service advisors directly at (206) 256-5200 or at
Language Access
When you call, if you would like interpretation in a language other than English, say the language you need (e.g., “Spanish, please!” or “Vietnamese, please!”) when the advisor answers, and they will connect you to an interpreter.