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Posts tagged with Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program Archives - Powerlines

Free Weatherization Program

The Seattle Office of Housing and Seattle City Light help income-eligible homeowners with affordable and equitable access to heat while reducing their energy bills with a free weatherization program offered by the Seattle Office of Housing. Since 1980, the Seattle Office of Housing, in conjunction with Seattle City Light, has… [ Keep reading ]

Supporting our Seattle City Light customers during these challenging times

As we support our customers negatively impacted by COVID-19, Seattle City Light wants to ensure everyone knows about all available resources. In addition to payment assistance, City Light is: Not shutting off power* for non-payment and working with customers to ensure uninterrupted service. Waiving late fees and making every effort… [ Keep reading ]

Need Assistance With Your City Light Bill? We Can Help.

If you are having a hard time making ends meet, Seattle City Light has payment plans and assistance programs that may help you.

You Might Be Eligible for Assistance With Your City Light Bill

If you are having trouble paying your City Light bill, there are programs that might help.

Utility Discount Program Reaches Annual Goal of 2,500 New Participants

With more than 2,500 Utility Discount Program sign-ups this year, we’ve met our annual goal for enrollment. But Seattle City Light’s mission is to provide the best customer experience of any utility in the nation, so we aren’t satisfied with simply meeting the goal. We’re still headed out into the community with sign-up events at community service centers, food banks, multifamily communities, and more.