On May 31, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued their scoping document for relicensing the South Fork Tolt Hydroelectric Project. FERC uses this document to identify topics to address in their National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) analysis. The document also contains the plan and schedule for the rest of the relicensing process.
Read the full scoping document.
FERC has made their initial scoping document available for review. To access it, visit FERC’s eLibrary, enter the docket number P-2959, and look for the document filed under the Accession #20240531-3026 on 05/31/2024.
Join the conversation at scoping meetings.
Two public meetings are scheduled this month for FERC to hear from you. The first one will be on June 25, which is primarily for public input. The second one, on June 26, will focus on input from Tribes, resource agencies, Licensing Participants, and other interested parties.
Evening Scoping Meeting (primarily for receiving input from the public)
- Date: Tuesday, June 25, 2024
- Time: 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. (PDT)
- Location: Cherry Creek Falls Event Center, 16533 Kelly Road Northeast, Duvall, WA 98019
Daytime Scoping Meeting (focused on input from Tribes, resource agencies, and non-governmental organizations)
- Date: Wednesday, June 26, 2024
- Time: 9:00 a.m. -11:00 a.m. (PDT)
- Location: Cherry Creek Falls Event Center, 16533 Kelly Road Northeast, Duvall, WA 98019
FERC invites anyone interested to attend one or both meetings. Your feedback helps FERC identify study needs and the scope of environmental issues to be considered during the relicensing process.
Join the FERC on-site environmental review.
In addition to the scoping meetings, FERC is conducting an on-site environmental review on Wednesday, June 26.
On-site Environmental Review
- Date: Wednesday, June 26, 2024
- Time: Review starts at 11:00 a.m.
- Note: RSVP is required by June 18, 2024
If you’d like to participate in this, please contact Elizabeth Ablow with Seattle City Light at (206) 561-4833 or Elizabeth.Ablow@seattle.gov; or Maura Patterson with Seattle Public Utilities at (206) 450-6543 or Maura.Patterson@seattle.gov by June 18, 2024. Please note that no personal vehicles will be allowed, but shuttle bus transportation and lunch will be provided for registered participants.
Share your input online.
Can’t attend the meetings? You can still contribute by submitting your comments online at efiling-user-guide.pdf (ferc.gov) by August 6.
Stay up to date!
Seattle City Light and Seattle Public Utilities operate the South Fork Tolt Hydroelectric Project under a license from FERC. As we continue the renewal process, we’re committed to keeping you informed.
- Sign up here to get regular updates via email about the South Fork Tolt relicensing process.
For more in-depth information and all related documents, visit seattle.gov/tolt-relicensing and check out the public documents library under “Project Documents and Resources.”
As the relicensing progresses, the City of Seattle continues to work with Tribes, federal and state resource agencies, Licensing Participants, and other interested parties to design a study plan to fill in gaps in our collective knowledge and inform the details of the new license. At Seattle City Light, we value your input and look forward to collaborating with you on this important project.