The Basics
How long have you been at City Light? Since June 2022
Division: People and Culture
Tell us about your role: I help recruit talent and run hiring processes for the utility. I’m responsible for seeing my assigned processes from start to finish. I meet with hiring managers and create job postings, schedule and conduct interviews, communicate with panelists and candidates, and process the paperwork for incoming employees.
Hometown: Seattle, Wash. (Technically San Diego, Calif., but I claim the Pacific Northwest as my home.)
Alma mater: Western Washington University
Discipline/Trade of study: Early childhood education
Tell us about your family/pets: I live with my fiancée and best friend, Michelle, and our two dogs, Kirby, 4 years, and Portia, 5 months. Our fur babies keep us pretty busy, but you can always catch us watching movies or eating delicious food.
just for fun
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? My dad was in the Navy, so I grew up outside of the U.S. for most of my life. I had the opportunity to live in Japan for three years, and I firmly believe it’s the best place on the planet. I’d live there again in a heartbeat if I could.
What is one of your biggest accomplishments? When I graduated college, it turned out I was the first ever male in Western Washington University’s history to graduate from the Early Childhood Education program. Right before I left to do my student teaching, my professor told me that there were other males in the past who hadn’t finished the program, and I had the chance to be the first. “No pressure, though!” she told me. I think it’s a pretty cool accolade to have under my belt.
What’s your favorite way to relax and unwind? Either sports or video games. I’m a huge nerd, so I play a lot of video games across multiple consoles. But I also love watching sports, especially my teams, when the games are on. I’m a huge fan of our local teams (Mariners, Seahawks, Storm, Sonics) and whatever team Damian Lillard is playing on (currently the Milwaukee Bucks).
What’s one item on your bucket list? I love food and I love cooking. I have this idea for a restaurant pop-up that I’ve been thinking about for years serving food that reflects my Filipino heritage and growing up in Japan. One day, I want to be able to completely focus on it and bring it to fruition.